Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Preparing For the New School Year!!!

The excitement of a new school year is upon us.  You may likely be feeling quite excited to see all your friends; while still a little sad that summer has come to an end.  It is not uncommon for some children to experience a little nervousness or even somewhat scared about the first day of school.  After all, there are countless new things that go on in a child’s mind: new teachers, new friends, new grade, possibly with more homework, school activities, and the list is endless. 

Perhaps you may find yourself starting the first day in a brand new school!  Not knowing the teachers, the other students, or even, any of the activities offered by the new school.  All this can be challenging perhaps slightly daunting for some; others may be over joyed about meeting new friends, new teachers and joining new activities.  It is important for us, as parents, to actively communicate with our children on how they feel about the new school year ahead.

Some thoughts and questions children may have about returning to school, especially to a new school, may range from: “Will my teacher be nice?”  “Will she/he like me?”  “Where will I sit?”  “Will there be other kids like myself and will they like me?”  “My best friend is going to a different school so now I’m not going to have any friends now.”  These are legitimate worries and fears that may occupy the minds of our children. 

It is very important to actively listen to what your child shares with you and to be empathetic and reassuring to all their fears.  Words of encouragement, reminding them of all their ‘cool’ traits and wonderful personality can be most helpful.  Let them know that they are about to meet many new kids and share countless experiences with all their new friends to come.  Remind them that teachers are there to teach students and are kind and helpful in doing so.

Plan an exciting shopping day with your children; share the fun in selecting all new school supplies for the big day ahead!  A sporty new back pack with an awesome lunch box, the trendiest notebooks, pens, pencils and all that fun stuff to put in their pencil cases!  Your children are little people with personalities forming and so they too, will have thoughts in selecting ‘back to school’ gear.    Let loose with your child and watch as they blossom into the vibrant little person you are ever so proud of!

By the same token, the school year does bring back the good old ‘routine’ of re-establishing a healthy step forward in embracing a positive year ahead.  When good habits are formed from the start, children have a higher rate of success in academics, including after school activities, and in balancing fun with friends and family alike.  No matter what the grade, a disciplined practice will aid your children in more ways imaginable.  Help your children to create a fun schedule to work with in starting the new school year full of delight and wonderment! 


1.   Always important to start with a healthy & nutritious meal.  Terrific idea to plan this ahead of time!
2.   Discuss with your child the agreement about how you will wake them up.  Great way to teach your child a little responsibility.
3.   Lay out what to wear for the first day of school the night before.  Don’t forget to give your child a voice in the selection at hand!
4.   Ensure a quiet place, free of distractions for your child to do their homework.  Try to be present to help should they need assistance.
5.   Think about your child’s personality and strengths and weakness; encourage them that they are unique with lots to share with other children.
6.   Perhaps insert a small note in their nap sack or lunch box!  It could cheer up an otherwise apprehensive first day back to school.
7.   Lastly, at the end of the week consider a mini celebration.  Perhaps invite some new and old friends over for a play date

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