Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Finding Happiness In Daily Living

Fundamentally, as human beings we all aspire to happiness and fulfillment within our daily lives; we do not tend to seek out pain and suffering.  With increasing cognizance combined with heightened scientific evidence linking a correlation with our own states of mind and our happiness, there exists much importance in having a healthy outlook on life, starting from within oneself: our minds.   

For many of us, a job is not only a source of income; it is a silhouette of our identity and a place where we spend more than half our lives.  If we are not on the job physically, we may still find our minds wandering within the realms of our workplace and the impending ‘tomorrow!’ 

Stress, what is it?  Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary states that stress is “the result produced when a structure, system or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain”.  Simply stated, stress abounds from any emotional, physical, social, economic, or any factor feeding on response or change.  ‘Positive stress’ is a healthy form of stress as it may motivate us to excel; however, should stress build to the point where one can no longer cope, issues will take rise both mentally and physically. 

A healthy dose of stress provides us with the energy and motivation to meet our daily challenges both in the workplace and at home.  It is in these situations whereby positive stress helps us to ‘rise’ to a challenge.  It encourages us to meet our personal and professional goals such as deadlines, sales margins, attaining new clients; as well as sustaining valued relations in both personal and professional arenas, and so forth.  In ascertaining success in having met the challenge, we are inevitably filled with a sense of pride and happiness.

So when does stress become unhealthy?  First and foremost, when our daily challenges become more of a source of frustration, exhaustion, and irritability.  When challenges at work become too demanding or changes at work or at home takes a heavier command on our minds, leading us down an unhealthy path towards mental and physical ailments.  Depression and anxieties may fester; leaving such a culprit unhandled can lead to a saddened state of life in both the workplace and personal lifestyle. 

What then may be done in order to prevent such unrest?  Speaking primarily from the vantage point of the workplace, listed below are just a few examples of positive and pro-active ways of managing work related stressors.

1.   Take charge of your situation.  Set and re-set priorities.  Handle the important and challenging tasks first.  Remembering to organize your time effectively will bring about positive results.
2.   Be realistic about what you can change.  Do not set yourself up for frustration.  Ensure that your goals are realistic and attainable.  Do what is possible.  Accept your limitations and learn to grow with the flow of change.
3.   Be honest with colleagues.  This includes your boss. 
4.   Let your employer help.  Many companies help their employees deal with the effects of stress through numerous services offered either by the company or government operated facilities, not to mention countless others.  Find out what services are available and best suited for you.
5.   Recognize danger signs of job stressors.  Learn the symptoms and take action before they encapsulate your world.
6.   Take control of your physical health.  Good physical health increases your stress tolerance.  Sensible eating and sleeping habits with plenty of exercise aids in stress relief.  Try to eliminate alcohol, tobacco, and drugs as they only succeed in altering our body’s natural rhythm and sleep.
7.   Learn to relax.  Find your ‘happy place’.  Be it a hobby, a sport, music, reading, writing, even a brisk walk.  Use it to create a ‘bridge’ between work and home life.

Almost all of us have, at some point, have felt depressed over stressful life events.  This depression may temporarily affect concentration and performance at work, slowly migrating into one’s home-life and personal well-being.  Be honest and open with your employer/family and friends and seek out assistance in de-stressing your lifestyle.  Re-gain your mental happiness and you too shall reap the fruits of your laboured love in business and pleasure.

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