Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hopeful Merry-Go-Round

The next time you find yourself evaluating the direction of your life, try to consciously ruminate how your mind affects your emotional well-being.  The fact is that we’ve all been conditioned with focusing on the external physical aspects of our being and in doing so, have overlooked the most important component in determining our happiness.  Your mind is comprised of a myriad of thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions, expectations of what will in fact make you happy; all having been compiled consciously and unconsciously over the years. 

Being connected with an awareness of the mind and how to direct its thoughts, beliefs and emotions opens an endless journey of hope and innumerable possibilities.  Soon after, your life will evolve into the life of your dreams!  Allow yourself the permission to guide your mind and not to be guided by your mind.  Believe in yourself.

Life is not always paved with candy canes and smiles, there are challenges and obstacles that we all face from time to time.  It is in the darkest of times that, even a glimmer of hope may in fact withstand the harsh tidings; perhaps even leave you feeling more empowered having faced adversities, and through your own personal will, grow from the experience life fraught upon you. 

Hope is a choice.  Hope cannot occur unless you consciously choose it.  Harnessing hope is a daily practice, one that will bring you and all those around you much happiness and peace.  Can you imagine a world without inner harmony and hope?  How horribly gloomy life would be!

Can you recall as a child, how your hopes for life seemed infinite, how you looked at life, full of hopes and dreams with no barriers and then slowly, bit by bit, your thoughts, beliefs and emotions all began to tarnish.  We began to take notice that ‘life is unfair’; and it is in that moment, we relinquish control and succumb to allowing our mind to guide us.  It is at that point when harnessing your inner will/drive to overcome the challenge is most important to hold on to. 

What is life without hope?  Living a life without hope is simply living out the daily grind, surrendering to fate, and turning our backs on the mountain tops of possibilities.  Reclaim your childlike wonder and embrace that innocent belief you had in your youth.  Go now; make a wish upon a star!  Here’s to the power of reclaiming your drive for hope.

Hopeful Tips to Remember:
1)   Trust that you are incredible. You are beautiful, intelligent, powerful, capable, resilient, ideal, and loved.
2)   Look for signs that hope is alive. You don't need to look far… Right now, you are breathing in a gas that is perfectly suited to power your life: Oxygen!
3)   Rank disappointment accordingly.  Hope is not about eliminating life's challenges.  It’s about believing that regardless, everything is going to work out well.
4)   Never let fear drive your decisions. 
5)   Make your hopes into reality through dedication and hard work.  Re-visit the child within yourself and take a ride on the hopeful merry-go-round!

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