Monday, July 25, 2011

Stillness From Within

"Every desire you have at its core exists because you think attaining it will make you happy; but happiness can only be attained in the present moment.  Therefore any desire to be happy in the future is blocking your ability to be happy now.  Only when you are at peace with what is NOW, will you ever find happiness now." -Jackson Kiddard  

So many of us struggle with attaining true happiness.  Perhaps we work ourselves to the bone, day in and day out so that we may afford the luxury of a couple of vacations thru the year.  Others may find joy in acquiring a beautiful, luxurious home complete with all the amenities, perhaps cottaging with family and friends brings a smile to your face and happiness in your heart.  But truly, if you ask yourself if you are honestly happy I believe that all too many of us would struggle to answer, at least out loud!
 We live in a fast paced "I" generation.  Very little time is spent on allowing one's self to fully appreciate their blessing in life.  To pay a small fraction of attention to another person, (let alone yourself!) be it a friend or loved one, is something that just doesn't happy often.   Small gestures speaks volumes, even with only a few words.  Taking a moment to smile, offer a helping hand to bring in the groceries, reading to your child at bedtime, sharing a meal with your family and taking part in active conversation, these are a few simple examples of missing elements that we are all criminal to.
 We, as a society have allowed ourselves to loose sight of true happiness.  We have succumbed to the shine of 'the good life' as we call it.  Yet failed to see how much the so called  'the gold life' really costs us all - both individually and as a collective community.  Planning for a future is essential but not the marking of attaining one's happiness.  Trying to connect with our selves and those we love and cherish, that in and of its self is pure happiness.  
Be mindful of your thoughts and your feelings.  Try not to put undue pressure on yourself or others.  Start telling people around you how you feel and that you appreciate them.  Sure they may be puzzled at first, but mark my words, you will leave a positive impact and together, one smile at a time - we may all achieve true happiness.
Much love and peace to all,

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