Saturday, July 02, 2011


On the eve of your funeral a tear drop fell 
from the sky and landed on my cheek.
I spoke to you as if you were near.
Your Love surrounds me -ever still.
Today I turned 21, upon the threshold of adulthood;
my heart merely yearns for your embrace.
In my quivering hand 
I hold my birthday card you selected;
With a heart on the cover that you traced with your finger -
signing it with your Love, everlasting.
My final words to you reverberate thru and thru,
reaching up towards the sky,
as I receive your last kiss
I feel your presence abound.
My finger traces the heart you bestowed upon me,
my soul whispers a fond farewell.
Through my tears I gaze unto the darkened sky -
there you are!
Shinning brightly, as I bid you eternal Peace and Love
and vow that you will Live forever in me.  
This poem was written in memory of my grandmother.  She did pass away on my 21st birthday.  The most mystical and moving experience I have ever had came late in the evening after her burial.  She came to me in the form of a star, in an otherwise blackened sky, she spoke to me and kissed her grandchild on her birthday.  Though the star soon disappeared, leaving me a lone in the darkness, I feel her presence within me; and in my most challenging times; she re-appears shedding light on my otherwise challenged path. I called my grandmother Anyu and in Hungarian this word means Mother.  

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