Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

How many times in a single day do we all check ourselves in the mirror?  First thing in the morning, again before walking out the door, not to mention each time we stop in a washroom, and the numerous times we pass by a mirror throughout the day.  In most all cases, each one of us is winking back at our reflected Ego's.

How grossly shallow, empty, and completely devoid to any strand of conscious self-awareness are we, that we allow captivity by Ego?  That we streamline back and forth between Past and Future.  As if we were children playing on the teeter-totter, spinning round and round in circles.  As adults, we still play in our minds.

Never truly observing the precise reflection we emanate continuously, day in, day out.  Never once ceasing the vicious timeline (much like a freeze moment), in order to allow for the pure immersion of one's self, to be fully conscious of the NOW.  To be completely de-cloaked, even if only for a moment, of all the negatrons that feed Ego such as fear, anger, lack of confidence, self-doubt, self-respect, the list goes on; permeating awareness of our own reflection in that precise moment. 

It is said that the eyes are indeed the windows into our soul.  How many of us ever, and I do mean ever truly gaze deeply, into their own soul?  To Live, I mean fully live in that precise moment.  Seamlessness... Is the ever-present moment of Now.  Not one minute ago or three years from now, nay, but living in the Present.  Beingness.

The next time you pass by a mirror, and inevitably wink back at yourself, STOP.  Take a second look.  Go ahead, look more closely, gaze deeply and simply Let Go.  Catch a glimpse of your Soul.  Live in that quintessential moment.  Go ahead and try.  I dare you!

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