Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Preparing For the New School Year!!!

The excitement of a new school year is upon us.  You may likely be feeling quite excited to see all your friends; while still a little sad that summer has come to an end.  It is not uncommon for some children to experience a little nervousness or even somewhat scared about the first day of school.  After all, there are countless new things that go on in a child’s mind: new teachers, new friends, new grade, possibly with more homework, school activities, and the list is endless. 

Perhaps you may find yourself starting the first day in a brand new school!  Not knowing the teachers, the other students, or even, any of the activities offered by the new school.  All this can be challenging perhaps slightly daunting for some; others may be over joyed about meeting new friends, new teachers and joining new activities.  It is important for us, as parents, to actively communicate with our children on how they feel about the new school year ahead.

Some thoughts and questions children may have about returning to school, especially to a new school, may range from: “Will my teacher be nice?”  “Will she/he like me?”  “Where will I sit?”  “Will there be other kids like myself and will they like me?”  “My best friend is going to a different school so now I’m not going to have any friends now.”  These are legitimate worries and fears that may occupy the minds of our children. 

It is very important to actively listen to what your child shares with you and to be empathetic and reassuring to all their fears.  Words of encouragement, reminding them of all their ‘cool’ traits and wonderful personality can be most helpful.  Let them know that they are about to meet many new kids and share countless experiences with all their new friends to come.  Remind them that teachers are there to teach students and are kind and helpful in doing so.

Plan an exciting shopping day with your children; share the fun in selecting all new school supplies for the big day ahead!  A sporty new back pack with an awesome lunch box, the trendiest notebooks, pens, pencils and all that fun stuff to put in their pencil cases!  Your children are little people with personalities forming and so they too, will have thoughts in selecting ‘back to school’ gear.    Let loose with your child and watch as they blossom into the vibrant little person you are ever so proud of!

By the same token, the school year does bring back the good old ‘routine’ of re-establishing a healthy step forward in embracing a positive year ahead.  When good habits are formed from the start, children have a higher rate of success in academics, including after school activities, and in balancing fun with friends and family alike.  No matter what the grade, a disciplined practice will aid your children in more ways imaginable.  Help your children to create a fun schedule to work with in starting the new school year full of delight and wonderment! 


1.   Always important to start with a healthy & nutritious meal.  Terrific idea to plan this ahead of time!
2.   Discuss with your child the agreement about how you will wake them up.  Great way to teach your child a little responsibility.
3.   Lay out what to wear for the first day of school the night before.  Don’t forget to give your child a voice in the selection at hand!
4.   Ensure a quiet place, free of distractions for your child to do their homework.  Try to be present to help should they need assistance.
5.   Think about your child’s personality and strengths and weakness; encourage them that they are unique with lots to share with other children.
6.   Perhaps insert a small note in their nap sack or lunch box!  It could cheer up an otherwise apprehensive first day back to school.
7.   Lastly, at the end of the week consider a mini celebration.  Perhaps invite some new and old friends over for a play date

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Taking Charge of Your Happiness

“All of life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we are when we get there.”  -From A Little Book of Happiness

Are you living your greatest life or do you feel like life could be happier?  Why not elevate your tomorrow starting right now; by simply cultivating your attitude.  Does anyone truly stop to evaluate their thoughts and perspectives throughout their busy day?   Probably not; yet considering the enormity of their value on our overall level of happiness, it would be well advised to reflect more inwardly.  The rewards are boundless.

Keeping a positive attitude isn’t always easy, especially, when you are going through a difficult time in your life, or you are trying to get past years of habitual negative thoughts.  Maintaining positive thinking is key, in order to connect with an optimistic outlook on life.  It is possible to keep an air of a positive attitude, even during challenging obstacles in life. 

Keep in mind, how The Law of Attraction states “that thought energy and projected energy attract similar energy.  As a result, we attract things into our lives according to our thoughts and projected energy.  Simply stated, we attract into our lives whatever we direct our conscious attention to.” Above all else, it is important to understand that that which you focus on will fuel your thoughts, enforcing the creation of your reality.  Ergo, if you surrender to negative thoughts and feelings, you emit negative energy.

Unhappy people tend to become further irritated when being told to ‘cheer up’ or ‘things could be worse, at least you have a roof over your head, your health, and a job’ and so on.  Keeping a thought journal is an excellent and highly charged tool in reconnecting with your happiness; in living your greatest life.  Write down all that you are grateful for.  Nothing is too small or insignificant.  Counting your blessings and identifying and celebrating them are precisely what you should do.  Recording any thoughts and feelings you’ve experienced that day and perhaps rate its level of intensity will prove monumental.  At the end of each day or week reread your thought journal. 

There are numerous health benefits to keeping a positive attitude that astound most, as positive thinkers tend to live longer, fulfilling lives!  Research has uncovered a reduced chance of high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, and cardiac disease.  Armed with a positive attitude, charges you to ward off infection, manage pain, and heal faster from illness. Incorporating a healthy diet with some physical exercise will enrich your energy field; feeding healthy positive vibrations and thoughts, your conscious attention will be happy and fulfilled.   

Clearly, thinking positively is the way to go.  But is it really achievable, you might ask.  The answer is an indisputable YES!  Surround yourself with positive people and practice your awareness in your day to day living.  You will undoubtedly begin to not only notice but to feel warmth from within – happiness and love will begin to flourish.  Your attitude is the key to your living your greatest life full of happiness.

Tips to Practice:

1. Create positive surroundings.
2. Hang out with positive people.
3. Write it down.  Keep a Thought journal.
4. Stop that thought.  Be mindful of negative thoughts.
5. Engage in positive Self-Talk.
6. Remember to respond not to react.  Take a moment, take a few deep breathes, then “respond”.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Good Morning Kiss

I woke up thinking of you Sunday morning.
The welcoming sun peering in through the window
fooled me into believing that the warmth I felt
was really your body next to mine.

Whispering me 'good morning' gently kissing my ear,
our eyes lock becoming lost in a passionate kiss,
that I still feel reverberating through my Soul.

Feeling lost within the fullness of your lips 
lead by the luster of your tongue,
guiding your way down my neck,
tantalizing my desire to kiss your lips once more.

As I whisper 'good morning', 
slowly opening my eyes,
only to realize that I am indeed alone.
You are but the thought that I close my eyes to each night,
the very thought that greets each morning
as I open my eyes and 
close my hearts desire to be with you.

You oxygenate my Soul,
your love runs through my veins;
even though I may have lost 
your love;

In this cruel and wondrous world...
I will forever cherish our 
Morning Kiss.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

How many times in a single day do we all check ourselves in the mirror?  First thing in the morning, again before walking out the door, not to mention each time we stop in a washroom, and the numerous times we pass by a mirror throughout the day.  In most all cases, each one of us is winking back at our reflected Ego's.

How grossly shallow, empty, and completely devoid to any strand of conscious self-awareness are we, that we allow captivity by Ego?  That we streamline back and forth between Past and Future.  As if we were children playing on the teeter-totter, spinning round and round in circles.  As adults, we still play in our minds.

Never truly observing the precise reflection we emanate continuously, day in, day out.  Never once ceasing the vicious timeline (much like a freeze moment), in order to allow for the pure immersion of one's self, to be fully conscious of the NOW.  To be completely de-cloaked, even if only for a moment, of all the negatrons that feed Ego such as fear, anger, lack of confidence, self-doubt, self-respect, the list goes on; permeating awareness of our own reflection in that precise moment. 

It is said that the eyes are indeed the windows into our soul.  How many of us ever, and I do mean ever truly gaze deeply, into their own soul?  To Live, I mean fully live in that precise moment.  Seamlessness... Is the ever-present moment of Now.  Not one minute ago or three years from now, nay, but living in the Present.  Beingness.

The next time you pass by a mirror, and inevitably wink back at yourself, STOP.  Take a second look.  Go ahead, look more closely, gaze deeply and simply Let Go.  Catch a glimpse of your Soul.  Live in that quintessential moment.  Go ahead and try.  I dare you!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011




Self-esteem is the way in which one views oneself as being able to manage the daily challenges that present in a constant stream,  as well as being worthy of happiness.  Self-esteem is central to everything you do.  It affects one’s behavior and thoughts.  It changes how you feel about yourself and how you value yourself.  Healthy self-esteem aligns itself with confidence in our ability to learn, to execute intelligent choices and decisions, and it allows us to adapt to change with a modicum of resistance.  Quite simply stated, self-esteem is your opinion of yourself.

In today’s society, many people fall through the cracks of the ‘daily-grind-of-life’ morphing deeper and deeper into their silent abyss.  Not quite reaching their full potential, not fully living their greatest life, simply because they have fallen prisoners of low self-esteem.  Low self-esteem stems from a poor self-image.  How one views oneself is crucial in respects to having a good self-image; which by the way balances itself with a positive attitude towards living your greatest life! 

How do you perceive yourself?  Are you a good person, someone who is dependable and accountable, kind and trustworthy?  When you look back at your reflection in the mirror do you like what you see?  Do you connect with your inner essence?  Or do you believe others are simply that much better than you?  How valued do you feel in your profession?  Does your job make you feel happy and worthy? 

Having low self-esteem, low self-image is a silent saboteur that feeds on one’s negative thoughts and perceptions, crippling you into believing the whispered criticisms others make of you.  Naturally, such negative thinking will only spiral aiding in a weakened state of confidence.  It is therefore of vital importance to cease any negative thoughts if you wish to harvest a healthy, well nurtured self-esteem.

We are all born into this world with insurmountable diversity and authenticity that perhaps, we may not all be fully aware of just how unique and special each one of us are; thereby breathing life into a false reality.  It is important to govern ourselves with reality as best as we understand it, as it will serve to nurture and support our self-esteem.  Acquiring positive thinking and consciousness is paramount for a bountiful start in nurturing self-esteem.  Connecting with our consciousness in learning to trust oneself empowers you to overcome negative thought patterns. 

 Here are a few key points to bear in mind as you endeavor on your path towards improving upon your self-esteem:

1.      Having a healthy self-esteem can be the difference between success and failure.
2.      Self-esteem affects your confidence and your self-image.
3.      Be conscious of your thoughts, negative thoughts can hinder self-esteem whereas positive thoughts will boost your self-esteem.
4.      If you don’t value yourself how will you be able to value others?
5.      Self-esteem endows you to live your greatest life full of vigor, love, and worth – true happiness!

Self-esteem is not a free gift of nature.  It has to be cultivated.  It has to be earned.  Self-esteem reflects our deepest vision of our competence and our worth.  How can you expect others to view you in a positive regard if you, yourself can’t see the astounding qualities and traits you possess.  Embrace the quintessential you!  Love yourself unconditionally and in a positive light welcome all those whom enter your journey as you embark on living your greatest life.

Marriage, Love, and Divorce

The most challenging relationships in our lives come bearing astounding knowledge.  Relationships are vessels for our growth.  Many people will come into our lives – best friends, family, spouses; each one providing a landscape of joy and laughter mixed with comfort and sorrow.  However, what is to be said of the negative and the “toxic” relationships that we may find ourselves enmeshed in?  Is it not of vital importance to live a life of personal happiness and fulfillment? 

The relationship of focus here is that of divorce.  It is quite saddening to report that the ratio of the divorce rate today ranks half of the marriages that take place in just one year.  Fifty percent of first marriages end in divorce, second marriages fail at a sixty percentage rate and third marriages end in divorce at a seventy percent rate.  These numbers are indeed staggering.  Yet, if one finds they are disconnected in their marriage, would it not be wiser and more courageous to consider divorce?

Such contemplation tends to surface at tumultuous and arduous times as people who are in this stage of life may find themselves faced with total self-reflection and a heightened awareness that may never have been reached before in their life.  It is a “process” for which breeds the execution of particular steps.  One of the most important of these steps is to look inward – to take a very deep and honest, hard look within yourself.

In doing this “inward reflection” you may come face to face with things you may dislike or perhaps had forgotten.  You might see that all is not your fault, though you may have had a hand in leading yourself down this path… It is important to remember that a marriage is a union of two people in love forging a new family together.  If by chance, somewhere along the way, one of the two spouses have disconnected from the marriage, as gut-wrenching as it may be, the healthiest and by far, most courageous decision would be divorce.  Divorce is not a failure, just a lessoned learned.

Taking that first step can be quite daunting.  The fear of being single again may seem scary but a healthier perspective is to view divorce as being “re-singled”.  Being “re-singled” is an opportunity for reinvention and rebirth.  Remind yourself that it takes much more courage than one realizes to walk away from a bad marriage than it does to stay.  Knowing that you have done the best thing for you and your children is an important factor in the healing process. 

Be kind to yourself as well as forgiving for your part in the marriage not working.   Be kind toward your ex and thank him/her for the many gifts you had received over the years together, such as your children - for your children are a bond that will forever keep you in each other’s lives.  Loving yourself first and foremost is vital.  Living a life comprised of honesty, integrity and love empower you to be healthier and happier from within.  Don’t forget to count your blessings each day.   

 “Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”-Alfred Lord Tennyson.